Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YouTube Channel to Promote Breed Ambassadors

In an effort to get the word out that American Staffordshire Terriers are, indeed, wonderful animals, we have started a YouTube Channel called MissMacyandMe.
I will post videos regularly and urge you to check back.
The one thing I wish I had on video happened last night:
I was expecting friends to stop by and when they did, Macy saw them from the back patio. I went to open the door to go out to greet them and Macy took off out the door. In classic clown fashion, she was distracted by the neighbor's front door (yet another good example of why leashes should be standard) and ran in to her foyer.
Once inside, she was greeted by two small dogs, a Rat Terrier and a Chihuahua. She immediately stuck her tail between her legs and boogied out the door to my feet, where she promptly peed from fright. Does this sound like a vicious animal to you?
Granted, I need to be more careful and aware of surroundings, but I swear, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
Cheers to Amstaffs letting small dogs be the bullies!

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